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Passover story in Simple words: traditions, food, and floral inspiration in San Francisco

As Passover is near many of you may want to know everything about it. How is Passover celebrated? Who generally celebrates Passover? What are the traditions of Passover? In this article, we are going to cover these and many more questions regarding Passover.

The Jewish “festival of freedom” is full of their ancient history, symbols, and a lot of rituals. Let’s see what interesting facts you didn’t know about the holiday.

                    Passover dinner

When is Passover celebrated?

Every year Passover or as it is officially called Pesach, falls on different days, according to the Jewish calendar. Passover 2023 begins on the 5th of April.  Lasting for eight days, it ends on the 13th of April.

What is the purpose of Passover?

Passover, the most important Jewish holiday, is meant to celebrate the Hebrews’ deliverance from slavery in Egypt. On this day Jewish (and not only) people gather around the table where a special kind of food is served and commemorate freedom.

Although Passover is a Jewish holiday, many people, regardless of their religious background appreciate the meaning of Passover, which is spreading justice and freedom for all.

How is Passover celebrated?

At Passover, Jewish families and friends gather and have a ritual meal called a Sedar. By eating it they recall the story of their ancestors who were once slaves in Egypt and faced many difficulties during their escape from Egypt. Another significant ritual is calling a stranger to their home, which explains the welcoming nature of Passover.

                    Passover celebration

             What foods are not allowed at Passover?

Passover is a time of joy and celebration for Jews all over the world, but it also comes with some dietary restrictions Here are the products people who admit and celebrate Passover must avoid eating.

One of the most significant dietary restrictions during Passover is the prohibition of leavened bread. This includes any bread, cake, or other baked goods that have risen with yeast or other leavening agents.

Instead, people celebrating Passover are required to eat unleavened bread, known as matzo, which is made with only flour and water and has been baked without any rising agents. This is because the Israelites had to leave Egypt in such a hurry that they didn't have time for their bread to rise, and so unleavened bread became a symbol of their liberation.


Passover matzo

Another food that is not allowed during Passover is chametz, which refers to any food that contains leavening agents or grains that can ferment. This includes beer, whiskey, and other fermented alcoholic beverages. In addition, any food that is made with it, such as breaded chicken or fried foods, is also not allowed during Passover.

Another forbidden group of food at Passover is called kitniyot. This includes legumes, rice, corn, and soy products. This is a relatively recent dietary restriction that has been adopted by many Ashkenazi Jews (Jews of Eastern European descent) but is not observed by Sephardic Jews (Jews of Spanish and Middle Eastern descent).

       Passover food

Are flowers appropriate at Passover?

Flowers are often associated with springtime and the renewal of life. The arrival of spring after a long, cold winter is seen as a symbol of hope and new beginnings, which makes it a particularly appropriate time to celebrate Passover.

Many people believe that flowers are a beautiful and meaningful addition to the Passover celebration, however solemn the nature of the holiday is. Flowers can add color and beauty to the holiday, and they can be used to symbolize the renewal of life and the hope of a better future.

                       Passover flowers San Francisco

If you keep up with the idea of incorporating flowers into Passover dinner, you can order Passover flower delivery in San Francisco. If you’re invited to Passover dinner in San Francisco make sure the hosts are ok with flowers on that day and then bring them with you.

Which flowers symbolize Passover?

One of the most popular flowers associated with Passover is the lily. The lily symbolizes renewal and rebirth, which is significant for the holiday, as it celebrates the Israelites' liberation from slavery and their rebirth as a free nation. The lily's long, slender stem represents the Israelites' journey from slavery to freedom, and the delicate petals represent their new life.

Another flower that is commonly used during Passover is the daffodil. The daffodil symbolizes hope and new beginnings, which is also significant for Passover. The daffodil's bright yellow color represents the sunlight and warmth of spring.

                    Passover flowers San Francisco


The iris is another flower that holds significant symbolism during Passover. The iris symbolizes faith and wisdom, which is significant for the holiday, as it celebrates the Israelites' faith in God and their wisdom in following Moses' leadership. The iris's three petals also represent the three pillars of Jewish tradition: Torah, prayer, and good deeds.

The hyacinth is another popular flower that is associated with Passover. The hyacinth symbolizes humility and modesty, which is significant for the holiday, as it reminds us to be humble and grateful for our freedom. The hyacinth's fragrant blooms also represent the sweet-smelling incense that was used in the ancient Temple.

                   Passover flowers

The hyssop plant, which has small white or purple flowers, symbolizes humility and purification, which are essential themes of Passover.

Finally, the rose is a popular flower that is often used during Passover. The rose symbolizes love and passion, which is significant for the holiday, as it celebrates the love that God had for the Israelites and their passion for freedom.

The rose's thorns also represent the difficult journey that the Israelites had to endure to gain their freedom. Consider blue and white roses as the main colors of Passover are blue, red, and white.

In addition to these flowers, many Jews also use branches of the willow, myrtle, and palm trees during Passover. These plants are collectively known as the "Four Species" and are used during the holiday of Sukkot as well.

The willow represents the frailty of human life, the myrtle symbolizes the beauty of the Torah, and the palm represents victory and joy.

                Passover flowers

Hopefully, this article helped you to figure out how to prepare for Passover, how to celebrate it with your Jewish friends, and finally how to add a colorful note to this honorable holiday with the help of Passover flowers.

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